Thursday, August 5, 2010


I have been trying to work on my day to day time management. So, I've made an hourly daily schedule for myself. I have to say that it's helped me be a lot more productive so far. Allotting a specific time to sculpt has allowed me to get a lot of dolls underway quickly. It's also helped keep me from becoming burned out from working on one item for too long.
Mirabel's dress (seen to the right) would have normally caused me to have a nervous breakdown. However, with my handy dandy new schedule, I haven't felt stressed about it once. There are lots of tiny rosettes to be made and then hand stitched, which takes a long time. Usually I would try to get it done all in one night, leading me to go to bed angry and frustrated. I now have a specific time during the day to work on clothing, which allows an invisible force to make me stop working before I become enraged.

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